速報APP / 遊戲 / Panda Babies Playhome

Panda Babies Playhome



檔案大小:200.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語, 西班牙文

Panda Babies Playhome(圖1)-速報App

Panda Babies Playhome is set in a land where the trees are almost as tall as the sky. It's a co-operative, caring place where children learn to engage with and nurture, a family of six totally cute pandas. The Panda Babies!

Each day is an adventure because there is so much to do. Your child will learn as they play, and delight in the discovery of the many interactive objects. Hide in the wardrobe, boil the kettle for tea, pop bubbles in the bath, play a CD, water the bamboo and pick it for lunch, or change a diaper, the choice is yours.

The panda house has a kitchen, lounge, bedroom, bathroom and a garden where they grow their own bamboo. There is a swing, a slide, and a trampoline, all beautifully hand drawn by children's author Keith Brumpton.


- Explore the Panda Babies house and garden

- Full of interactive items to discover.

- Create stories for the Panda Babies - what will they get up to?

- Babysit the Panda Babies.

- Grow bamboo in the garden and feed the Panda Babies.

Panda Babies Playhome(圖2)-速報App

- Play hide and seek - who’s that behind the curtains?

- Put the sleepy pandas to bed.

- Sing along to the karaoke, play CD’s or use the ghettoblaster for a Panda Babies Party.

- Dance under the cool disco lights and glitterball.

- Bath the pandas, with bubbles, soap and sprays!

- Grab the banjo, flute or drum and jam into the night!

- Play on the trampoline, slide or swing in the garden.

- Watch the butterflies and birds in the garden.

- Have a Panda Babies picnic in the garden.

Panda Babies Playhome(圖3)-速報App

- Wash their diapers​ in the washing machine.

- Put the Pandas on the toilet, wipe their panda bums!

- Changes from day to night, and rain to shine.

- Kick the ball around, or play at stacking blocks.

- Discover what’s in the kitchen drawers.

- Play with the rubber ducks - but don’t put them in the toilet!

- No time limit or high scores — play for as long as you like!

- No rules or goals.

- No third-party advertising

Panda Babies Playhome(圖4)-速報App

- Safe, educational and appropriate for all ages.

Specifically designed to be played by children as young as three, but detailed enough to entertain kids up to ten years old or older. Panda babies Playhome ignites the imagination and creativity to keep children engaged for hours.

Check our site www.pandababiesapp.com to download free coloring-in​ sheets, dot to dot sheets and more.

Panda Babies Playhome(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad